Don't Follow Your Passion
Jun 18, 2023
Not following my passion
was one of the best decisions
of my life.
At 24 years old, I started a new career.
- - Deregulated electricity sales - -
At the time, I didn’t like sales.
And to this day, I still have no passion for
But I treated my new job as a chance to get straight A’s.
I decided to put in four years, no matter what, and attempt to get a 4.0 in the school of deregulated electricity sales.
My plan worked.
I became an expert in many details about the industry and my company. I gained mastery in servant leadership, solution-based selling, technology buildouts, and organizational development. The groups I led made incredible breakthroughs and loved working together to solve problems as if business was a team-based sport.
And I never became passionate about electricity or sales.
But I did discover my love for human formation and innovation.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the “find your passion” talk.
If you are unsure where you are being called, dive into an opportunity and get a 4.0 - - you might just find what you’ve been looking for all along.