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Inspired People Inspire People

mindset personal development undivided life Sep 30, 2024
Anthony D'Ambrosio directing the actors and crew on set

Who buys a one-way ticket to Poland to start filming a feature-length film before securing the actors and locations, not to mention the need for personal lodging arrangements?

The answer - Anthony D’Ambrosio.

Anthony is a storytelling savant with a laundry list of accomplishments. He built an international community of Catholic creatives alongside his brother Marcellino, published a children’s book retelling the parable of the pearl of great price, and helped countless clients identify their brand and build up their own tribes.

Anthony’s creative journey took an interesting turn when he was asked to produce a short film for the Diocese of Dallas that would ultimately change the trajectory of his life.

Around that time, Anthony was suffering from an undiagnosed medical condition that was destroying his life. He couldn’t sleep, had trouble eating, and found that his life and his relationships were slipping into darkness. He faced despair and needed a way out.

Enter St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish Catholic priest who volunteered to die in place of another man in the German death camp of Auschwitz. Starting in childhood, Kolbe lived a life of love and service to others for the sake of Christ. Kolbe’s commitment to Jesus through Mary propelled him to create the Militia of the Immaculata and then spread the love and truth he longed to share by also creating the world’s largest printing press operation. With the success Kolbe was having in Poland, he petitioned his superiors to permit him to move to Japan with a group of Franciscan brothers to establish a similar movement even though he didn’t know the language or have the necessary funding.

When Kolbe made his way back to Poland, he faced an arrest in World War II that eventually placed him in Auschwitz as a political prisoner. When a man from his barracks went missing, the Nazis selected ten men to die a painful death in the starvation chamber where they would go without food and water until each one passed. Hearing the pleas of Franciszek Gajowniczek, longing to see his family, Kolbe stepped out of line and volunteered to take the man’s place. This heroic act was the start of a movement within the death camp and beyond that helped to bond the prisoners and give hope beyond the grave to so many.

The original project that Anthony was hired to create was unique. Rather than telling Kolbe’s story up until he volunteered, like most other work about this Saint, Anthony wrote and directed a short film depicting life after Kolbe entered the cell. Imagine seeing the story of Twelve Angry Men told with the same character development as The Chosen. This film moved hearts and set Anthony up for a possible feature-length film shortly before the world shut down for the pandemic. With the film on the shelf, Anthony still showed a few folks from time to time, and I was fortunate to be among those viewers in early 2023 alongside my business partner, Nick Bezner.

We loved the story and more importantly, we believed that Anthony was ready to take the film further. We joined a small army of supporters and encouraged Anthony to build the team he needed to get the project underway.

With great courage, hope, and faith, Anthony and several others hopped on a plane bound for Poland with no idea when they would return. Almost 18 months after our first viewing of the short film, we have now screened the rough-cut version of the feature-length film Triumph of the Heart, and I can tell you that this film is a powerful catalyst for culture change and something that sticks with audiences long after the final credits roll.

Anthony is an inspiration to me and many others.

I can also clearly see why Anthony is inspired by Kolbe. Both are master storytellers with ongoing medical battles and a desire to serve others out of their love for God. Both men traveled to faraway lands with little more than a belief that they were answering a call from God. Both men leave a lasting impression on anyone they meet and inspire us to show up for others.

Triumph of the Heart is set for theatrical release in the Spring of 2025 throughout the US and Poland. The team has built incredible partnerships and worked tirelessly to create a movie studio-quality film without watering down the faith-based content. If you haven’t already viewed the trailer or read about the production, please do so here.

 If this story inspires you, get involved. We have ongoing investment opportunities and the more funds we can pour into the distribution budget, the more people this important story will reach. We also have a nonprofit partnership that allows supporters to utilize their donor-advised funds and other charitable giving methods when supporting the film.

Please message Jeff Schiefelbein here or reach out directly to Anthony through the Triumph of the Heart website.

Inspired People Inspire People

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