Your Daughter’s Impact was Profound
Mar 03, 2025
“I have to meet with you tonight to tell you how deeply your daughter has impacted me.”
In 2010, Todd and Tara Storch found themselves in a nightmare. What started as an exciting family vacation for the couple and their three children turned into tragedy when their oldest, Taylor, had her life cut short by a skiing accident. With only a few minutes to consider the options, Todd and Tara made the life-changing decision to donate her organs.
Over the years that followed, the Storch family connected with four of the five people whose lives were saved and profoundly impacted by Taylor’s gift. The discovery of these unexpected blessings inspired the couple to write a book about their experience and launch the Taylor’s Gift Foundation to raise awareness of the need for organ donation.
I got to know Ryan Storch, their middle child, and his now wife Jordan a few years ago. I was intrigued to learn more about the events that had shaped his life, which led me to purchase and read the book Taylor’s Gift. Through a constant flow of tears, I journeyed through this book feeling as though I was connected to the hearts of Todd and Tara as each chapter jumps back and forth from his perspective and then hers. It was an emotional rollercoaster of sadness, reflection, gratitude, hope, faith, and renewal. Reading this book was an experience I will never forget.
Months later, my oldest daughter, Lorelei, asked me if she could read Taylor’s Gift. I was reluctant at first, knowing what emotional hurdles she would encounter, but I agreed to let her borrow the book on one condition—I wanted to know what she thought about the book as she read it and to get a gut check on her emotions as she went along. She agreed.
Every few days, Lorelei would tell me what part she was reading and how connected she felt to Taylor’s mom throughout it all. She would reflect on different decisions that Taylor’s parents made and about the deep sadness that Tara felt after losing her daughter. Lorelei was sad, too, but her conviction to keep reading was stronger than any difficult emotions, and she eventually triumphed with Todd and Tara as they met some of the recipients of Taylor’s donated organs.
“I’d like to meet with Mrs. Tara Storch to ask her some questions,” Lorelei told me after completing the book. By this point, we had met Todd and Tara at their son’s wedding, and Todd had appeared as a guest on our podcast, The BeatiDudes, but I wasn’t sure how to request an interview between Tara and a ten-year-old. In 2024, we moved to the same part of town as Todd and Tara, and, as fate would have it, we ran into them on a playground in the town square where they were playing with their granddaughter. After I hugged Tara, I introduced her to Lorelei and said my daughter had a request. “Can I meet with you sometime to ask questions about your daughter, Taylor, and about the experiences you shared in the book?”
“Of course, Sweetheart,” Tara replied. Why don’t we meet for a hot chocolate at the coffee shop soon? I will schedule the date with your mom.” (Sidenote: I remember the date of this playground encounter well – it was February 24th. This day ended with an emergency room visit for our three-year-old due to a concussion that led to the miraculous discovery of brain cancer as a result.)
A few weeks later, Lorelei took her notebook to the coffee shop to meet with Mrs. Tara Storch, and she was ready with questions in hand. I didn’t realize it, but Lorelei had been rereading the book to ensure she maximized her time with Tara and gained as much insight in one meeting as possible. My wife and I thought the entire setup was endearing, and we were proud of Lorelei for making the request. It was very sweet of Tara to indulge our daughter with this special attention, and I was certain they’d have a special bond over it. I never expected what happened next.
After my wife brought Lorelei home and we were winding down for the evening, we received a text from Tara that read, “My time with Lorelei was amazing. I have to meet with y’all tonight to share the details of my visit with your daughter. Let me know when the kids go to bed, and I will be at your house after that.” Now, I was curious. What would cause Tara to go out of her way like this?
Hours later, Tara sat at the kitchen table with me and my wife. She started by saying that over the previous 14 years of talking with reporters, ministers, and friends, no one had ever asked her questions as insightful and as deeply emotional as Lorelei. She said that Lorelei had pulled specific moments from the book, like when Tara would go to the cemetery to lay down next to Taylor’s grave and then asked Tara to explain how she felt during those moments. She would listen intently to Tara’s answers before diving deeper with probing questions to go further into Tara’s thought process and motivations. For almost an hour, Tara recounted the entire conversation, constantly praising Lorelei for honoring Taylor and Tara in the process.
By intentionally focusing on Tara Storch's needs and feelings, Lorelei had given her the gift of feeling heard and seen. What an incredible circle we were making together between these two families, as I had already been the recipient of Taylor’s Gift in reading her story years earlier.
On behalf of Taylor and her family, I have a few requests for each of you now.
First, check out the Taylor’s Gift Foundation for more information about organ donation and how you can support Organ Donor Families in their time of need.
Second, check out this clip from the Ellen show in 2011, during which Tara reads a poem that Taylor wrote for school called “I am.” Have tissues handy for this one.
Third, take the time this week to listen to the young people in your life. We often overlook their simple wisdom, their abundant hearts, and their reminder to be more present and purposeful.
Our kids are a blessing. Remember to act like it.