The Undivided Life Blog


Look, Ma, We Bought a Construction Company

company culture leadership strategy undivided life Oct 21, 2024
3 men at a table doing business

“I don’t get it. Why would Undivided Life purchase a construction company?”

That is the second most common response when people hear that Undivided Life acquired McKnight Construction. The other response we hear more often is, “Congratulations, sounds like an incredible opportunity for everyone involved.”

To appreciate how this flagship acquisition fits within the broader plan, it’s important to note two things about what we are building and how we are doing it.

Undivided Life is a Method

Undivided Life is not a service or a product; it’s a method or a way of operating. It can be thought of as a set of centuries-old teachings that are always true, regardless of how the world has changed.

The Undivided Life method leads to personal development, whole-person formation, thriving organizational culture, meaningful work, contribution to the common good, human dignity, and company growth (healthy profit gain, sustainable mission impact, etc.)

Our team uses the Undivided Life methodology in our consulting (growth/culture/QofE), workshops, keynotes, online courses, group coaching, and more. We love helping others have their cake and eat it by building incredible company cultures AND experiencing profitable/impactful growth.

Undivided Life Holdings – BUY | BUILD | BLESS

In addition to advising others throughout our consulting and coaching, we also wanted to stay involved as active players in the Undivided Life methodology. That is why we launched Undivided Life Holdings, a multi-strategy investment company focused on majority acquisitions, minority investments, and company start-ups. Within Undivided Life Holdings, we utilize a special “Buy | Build | Bless” investment approach to ensure all stakeholders benefit as the company thrives.

Pretty exciting, right? Well, here is the best part.

We’ve only just begun.

We are continuing to build an incredible consulting and advisory service based on the Undivided Life methodology while actively researching future acquisitions. Check out the press release below for better insights into why McKnight Construction was such an attractive opportunity for our team.     



Look, Ma, We Bought a Construction Company

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