The Undivided Life
Volume 13 - May 23, 2023

Making Business Human
By combining strategy, culture, and a passion for human flourishing,
Undivided Life emboldens, empowers, and equips leaders to create
thriving organizations and experience true success.
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Creating a Culture of Coaching
Online Course Launch - June 2nd
Are you looking to upgrade your organizational culture?
Have you tried to offer development opportunities in the past only to experience a lack of impact, engagement, and enthusiasm?
Creating a Culture of Coaching will provide immediate improvements that are accessible, impactful, inexpensive, and practical.
Learn More
Making Business Human
Keynotes & Workshops
There is a strong pull for businesses from all industries to create high-performance cultures that attract and retain great employees while also driving results.
But something breaks down between that desire for a better workplace and the practical application of daily tasks and communication. As a result, the stated goal of creating an employee-centric organization doesn’t come to fruition when these concepts leave the boardroom for implementation.
We need to be more intentional about communicating and building relationships as we fully integrate our organizational culture with strategy. That is why Undivided Life has designed a series of keynotes, workshops, and offsites to help you build an organizational culture where employees “get to “come to work each day.
In these sessions, we provide practical tools and steps that any organization can take, regardless of your starting point, to improve communication, mindset, relationship structures, and more.
This presentation is designed for action, and your guests are the main participants.
What will you take back to your organization after uncovering new ways to make business human?
Contact Us to Learn More
Are You Sitting or Serving?
A Word Challenge From Jeff Schiefelbein
I serve on several boards. That is what I do, and it’s how I describe my role.
Others tell me they "sit on several boards."
I realize this is just a saying – “I sit on…” but I wonder how those words impact their participation.
Sitting on a board and serving on a board are very different realities.
And my experience says that many people simply sit on boards, offering little value to the organization.
Perhaps it’s time to make the shift.
Stop saying you sit somewhere and start saying that you serve.