The Undivided Life
Volume 15 - June 6, 2023
Making Business Human
By combining strategy, culture, and a passion for human flourishing,
Undivided Life emboldens, empowers, and equips leaders to create
thriving organizations and experience true success.
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Is Working on Vacation Harmful?
In this week's top LinkedIn post, Jeff Schiefelbein uncovers the damage created when managers and leaders work on vacation and thereby create unspoken rules for others to do the same.
Read the Post
Leadership Challenge
Not everyone is ready for this one. But it's a gamechanger.
Make yourself replaceable.
In order to become
more valuable,
be replaceable.
In order to be a
"value add" rather than
a cog in the machine,
be replaceable.
(Clip from The Deep Dark Podcast with Christopher Lyon and Fidelis Creative Agency)
The BeatiDudes + You
Some people say that "The BeatiDudes is the hottest podcast for religiously funny content that blends both humor and holiness."
We happen to be those people.
You'll just have to trust us. It's pretty great.
While the show targets men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, we have quickly amassed a following from all demographics (but it's still mostly the men we targeted).
If you are interested in sponsoring The BeatiDudes, contact us to learn more.