Undivided Life Newsletter


Volume 31 - October 9, 2023

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Culture + Strategy = Impact

What if you started each new week saying, "Thank God it's Monday"?
For most people, this doesn't sound possible.
But you can begin building the future you want now with Undivided Life.
Leveraging our strategy and culture expertise, we equip and empower leaders to
create thriving organizations that promote human flourishing.  

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5 Minutes | 3 Insights | Immediate Impact

Medical Leave is NOT Vacation  

Have you ever taken time away from work for a medical need? Have you stayed with a sick child in the hospital, tended to the mental health of a loved one, had a new baby, adopted a child, mourned the loss of a family member, or had your own medical challenges?

Did your time away from work feel like a chance to recharge your batteries?

Of course not!

Yet we often hear how people in the working world seem to confuse medical leave with vacation.

I can recall hearing a business leader say he couldn’t believe the audacity of a team member for planning a vacation after the “time off” she had recently for a medical leave. 

And we wonder why it’s so hard to keep good employees...

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Business as a Blessing (BaaB)

The New Path Forward

By now, we are all familiar with concepts like Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Anything as a Service (XaaS). The phrase “as a service (aaS)” refers to a business model in which something is being presented to a customer, either internal or external, as a service.

But have you ever stopped to consider that there is a step beyond just being a service?

I’d like you to consider a next-level concept - - Business as a Blessing (BaaB).

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"Death by One Week"

 Startup builder, Collin McLelland, provided food for thought last week with this insightful tweet:

"There's this phenomena I've observed in business that I call "Death by one week." It's very prevalent post-covid around scheduling meetings.

Remember when you would just pick up the phone and call someone?

Today, you have to send them a message asking if they can meet, find a time that works, etc.

You send them the message on Wednesday, the response is: "Yea, I'm stacked up this week but let's get a time on the books for next Tuesday."

Next Tuesday comes around and you speak, now you get to work on action items and you complete them by Friday.

That's 1.5 weeks to get something done.

There should be pressure and a sense of urgency to get things done by the end of THIS week. If you extrapolate this 1 week delay across the entire year, you will be moving extremely slow. The goal should be to get done more in 2 weeks than most people or companies get done in 6 months."

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