Undivided Life Newsletter
Volume 32 - October 16, 2023

Culture + Strategy = Impact
What if you started each new week saying, "Thank God it's Monday"?
For most people, this doesn't sound possible.
But you can begin building the future you want now with Undivided Life.
Leveraging our strategy and culture expertise, we equip and empower leaders to
create thriving organizations that promote human flourishing.
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5 Minutes | 3 Insights | Immediate Impact
America's Got Talent...
and She Works at Undivided Life
As Undivided Life brings its unique Business as a Blessing platform to more clients, the team is quickly increasing and now includes all of America... Sheng.
Before joining the team in her new full-time role, America worked as a part-time offsite experience manager for Undivided Life and as a barista at Starbucks. As Undivided Life's Stakeholder Experience Manager, America ensures that every guest, internal and external, is treated as a stakeholder in the business.
Harry S. Truman once remarked," America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and on an unbeatable determination to the job at hand," which is an excellent explanation of America Sheng as well. Please join us in welcoming and blessing America!

Taking a Vacation Improves Your Well-Being
An Article from the Harvard Business Review
I have seen firsthand the impacts of a truly healthy company culture where vacations are not just accepted they are expected. The positive impacts on the mind, body, and soul of each individual human are a benefit for both the worker and the company.
Looking for external research to support these claims? Check out this 2023 article from the Harvard Business Review on How Taking a Vacation Improves Your Well-Being.
"Improved rest and sleep during vacation also helps you return to work able to think more clearly as well as be more focused and productive, which has shown benefits to both the individual and the employer. An Ernst & Young study showed that for every additional 10 hours of vacation time that employees took, their year-end performance improved 8%... Further, those who took vacations more frequently were less likely to leave the firm.
Similarly, in another company’s experiment with taking mandatory vacation time, there were clear increases in creativity, happiness (mood), and productivity. They were also able to culturally counter any warrior or martyr mentality, where employees might otherwise be tempted to show off how hard they were working by not vacation time, since everyone was required to take vacation at specified intervals."
Big Family Leadership Benefits
This short LinkedIn post resonated with many...
Having a big family makes me a better business leader.
6+ kids naturally teaches me to
- Care less about things that don’t really matter.
- Rely on the efforts of the team instead of trying to be a Lone Ranger
- Empower and trust others, knowing that responsibility, freedom, and accountability leads to the growth and formation of others (and often surprising positive outcomes).
Perhaps having a large family makes it easier to be impactful at work because of these natural life lessons.
Or maybe I’m crazy.
- Jeff Schiefelbein, October 2023